In 1972, in order to provide an educational foundation for a group of new young monks, they were taught reading and writing in the Tibetan alphabet, memorization skills and English language. They were also trained in Tibetan calligraphy on wooden boards.

With a gradually growing number of monks, more classrooms were built and new subjects such as Tibetan grammar and mathematics were introduced and slowly it turned into a full-fledged school with up to the eighth standard.
In 1995, a new school was constructed on a new campus and was registered under the Indian government which is affiliated with the Central Board of Indian Education. It was inaugurated and blessed by the Hundredth Gaden Throne-holder, Choeje Lobsang Nyima, Jangtse Choeje Rizong Rinpoche and other respected personalities. Now the school has up to the tenth standard with all the modern subjects that are studied in other Tibetan schools. On top of that, the students study the Buddhist philosophy.

Since 1998 the students of the tenth standard started to publish a journal entitled Gangsuel Rolyang (Music in Snow Mountains). The ninth volume was already published this year.

This school is not only for Tibetan monks but it is for all the monks of the Himalayan regions such as Ladhak, Lhahul and Spiti, Mon Tawang, Sikkim, Bhutan and Nepal. Anyone from any country can join in this school.